Buzzwords – Look, See, Pray

What’s the buzz?
Three kinds of insect noise that call for different responses:
1. Mosquito in the bedroom… high-pitched drone.
2. The sharp-sided buzz-saw of an angry wasp.
3. The gentle, contented buzzing of a bumble bee in the meadow.

Mosquitoes are so annoying… sleep disappears until either it feeds on you and leaves- or you get out of bed to hunt the perishing wee beastie. Bad news with itching to follow.

Wasps seem sociopathic. They dislike being disturbed or frustrated in their food patrol… and HATE arms or newspapers being waved at them. Bad news with ouchies to follow.

Bumble bees: you really have to provoke one of these or get one trapped in your hair or clothing to make them sting. Much prettier, too. Look at its big black eye and furry coat. Good news and honey for tea… (Actually you need honeybees for the honey but never mind that!)

The noise difference between wasps and bees reminds of the motor bikes of my youthful years. Wasps screech like a two-stroke hairdryer. Bees rumble pleasingly like my old Triumph Bonneville. Reassuringly solid, a heavyweight with plenty of punch when necessary.

When we first hear insects, our reaction is often a fear response “in case” it is a wasp or mozzie. We learn early on to tell the difference, and engage the best response.

Mosquitoes could represent social media– great at invading our personal space and causing irritation.

Wasps? More like the “popular” press. You know the ones: they stir up trouble by writing every story as a CRISIS or PANIC. They select a political grouping preferred by their (wealthy) owners and spew out half-truths and misleading stories. “Facts” and “Truth” are optional.

Bees, it seems to me, are the safe and sensible voices that bring the garden to life. Bees will harvest the sweetness in each flower, pollinate our crops, and remind us of the value of honest work. There are not so many of those bees around. So when we do find one, we should treasure it and learn wisdom.

Here are two safe, sensible buzzwords to think on today…

“But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere.”

– James 3:17 (NIV)

“Do not forsake wisdom, and she will protect you; love her, and she will watch over you. The beginning of wisdom is this: Get wisdom. Though it cost all you have, get understanding.”

– Proverbs 4:6-7

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