Reds… Look, See, Pray

Red letter day! First opportunity to start the spring gardening. Spot of rose pruning, tidying away dead growth, collecting all the old fronds from the palms, and trying to work out how so many weeds can ignore the weather that frightens the life out of the posher plants.

A day of surprises too. Pardon the colour clash between the camellia and the ladybird: all is forgiven because of the sterling work the bugs do. Hidden away in hibernation until now, they are popping up all over- I’ve been trying to “spot” them… (Sorry! Couldn’t resist the joke.)

There are so many parallels between gardening and spiritual growth. We all want the pretty flowers and good-to-eat crops. The hard graft is less popular. Digging out deep-rooted weeds/habits; pruning the ordinary in order to develop the extraordinary. Picking up the litter, mowing the grass, fighting the bad bugs-and-slugs… Left unchecked, our neat growth becomes a wilderness – swiftly.

Finding allies and mentors is so important. Having a good notion as to which things will thrive where- and creating special conditions for the ones we treasure but need extra work and care.

Never stop learning: that’s definitely true in both realms.

Finally, knowing the Head Gardener is a “big help” i.e., VITAL. And, of course, remembering that gardens (and lives) are there to be enjoyed as much as possible. All graft and no tea in the shade makes a grouchy human. Stopping to enjoy the wild life- butterflies, birdsong, ladybirds gnashing the aphids… PRICELESS.

There IS a prize. Philippians 1:6 (NLT) says:
“And I am certain that God, who began the good work within you, will continue his work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns.”

The hard labour is NOT in vain.

Decisions! – Look, See, Pray

All the garden suppliers are sending their catalogues and special offers. It’s making me yearn for the glorious colours of summer! Shall I plant more gladioli? What about the older lavender bushes- time for a change? Is there room for another rose? Or two?

Decisions, decisions. And of course those marvellous offers involve spending money (no gardener ever has trouble doing that!!!) but some of them are offering enough quantities to fill Kew Gardens. If only they could see the restricted space available… where could I put 120 dahlias anyway? With the flowering cherry “designed for small gardens” which is tempting me? Or a dwarf crab apple, perhaps?

One decision is made. I would like a passion flower to climb along the rear fence. The old rambling rose already there only flowers for a couple of weeks- and I’d like more colour for longer.

Once the local water table drops a bit I’ll be “at it” tidying and designing… I’d say “watch this space” but there isn’t any yet.

If only I found it as easy to plan my spiritual growth! Questions like “how have I matured since last year” and “what about reducing that pile of books to read by READING some more” are very niggly. It is of course quite normal to have six or seven books on the go at once… isn’t it? Please say yes…

Jesus talked about us being part of the Vine and being fruitful. The process isn’t straightforward. Pruning gets mentioned… Gulp… And then Jesus says this:

“My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you. Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends. You are my friends if you do what I command. I no longer call you servants, because a servant does not know his master’s business. Instead, I have called you friends, for everything that I learned from my Father I have made known to you. You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you so that you might go and bear fruit- fruit that will last- and so that whatever you ask in my name the Father will give you. This is my command: Love each other.”
(John 15 v12-17)

Buzzwords – Look, See, Pray

What’s the buzz?
Three kinds of insect noise that call for different responses:
1. Mosquito in the bedroom… high-pitched drone.
2. The sharp-sided buzz-saw of an angry wasp.
3. The gentle, contented buzzing of a bumble bee in the meadow.

Mosquitoes are so annoying… sleep disappears until either it feeds on you and leaves- or you get out of bed to hunt the perishing wee beastie. Bad news with itching to follow.

Wasps seem sociopathic. They dislike being disturbed or frustrated in their food patrol… and HATE arms or newspapers being waved at them. Bad news with ouchies to follow.

Bumble bees: you really have to provoke one of these or get one trapped in your hair or clothing to make them sting. Much prettier, too. Look at its big black eye and furry coat. Good news and honey for tea… (Actually you need honeybees for the honey but never mind that!)

The noise difference between wasps and bees reminds of the motor bikes of my youthful years. Wasps screech like a two-stroke hairdryer. Bees rumble pleasingly like my old Triumph Bonneville. Reassuringly solid, a heavyweight with plenty of punch when necessary.

When we first hear insects, our reaction is often a fear response “in case” it is a wasp or mozzie. We learn early on to tell the difference, and engage the best response.

Mosquitoes could represent social media– great at invading our personal space and causing irritation.

Wasps? More like the “popular” press. You know the ones: they stir up trouble by writing every story as a CRISIS or PANIC. They select a political grouping preferred by their (wealthy) owners and spew out half-truths and misleading stories. “Facts” and “Truth” are optional.

Bees, it seems to me, are the safe and sensible voices that bring the garden to life. Bees will harvest the sweetness in each flower, pollinate our crops, and remind us of the value of honest work. There are not so many of those bees around. So when we do find one, we should treasure it and learn wisdom.

Here are two safe, sensible buzzwords to think on today…

“But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere.”

– James 3:17 (NIV)

“Do not forsake wisdom, and she will protect you; love her, and she will watch over you. The beginning of wisdom is this: Get wisdom. Though it cost all you have, get understanding.”

– Proverbs 4:6-7

Sweet! Look, See, Pray

Watching a Comma butterfly feeding this summer was delightful. I grow verbena bonariensis mostly as a butterfly feeder: its long upright form raises the flowers above the surrounding plants, and it proves very attractive to the wildlife. Taking photos is also easier!

Verbena is generous with the nectar it makes, so the butterflies and bees linger over lunch.

Observing the creatures who visit my garden gives a huge amount of satisfaction. Those delicate wings, the efficiency of the feeding proboscis… Dictionary definition of proboscis: “an elongated sucking mouth-part that is typically tubular and flexible.” It’s the insect equivalent of the elephant trunk!

You may have heard meditation described as “chewing over the meaning of Scripture like a lion eating meat.” How about a gentler definition? – “Lingering long enough to absorb all the sweetness of the nectar.”

Psalm 119 v103 says something very similar about taking in the Word and ways of God: “How sweet your words taste to me; they are sweeter than honey.”

Christmas has seen most of us enjoying a feast of sweet things. They are irresistible, one chocolate leads to another (and another).

This year, I want to deepen my appreciation of God’s Word. Sometimes preachers fall into the trap of mastering the Bible with our minds, and failing to savour it in our heart of hearts. My college principal warned us: “It is easy to look at a Bible passage and see three clear points about how it applies… TO EVERYBODY ELSE.”

How often do I read Scripture for enjoyment? As a means of blessing, as food for my soul, as a vehicle for transporting me to a place of deeper love of God?

To take in the sweetness of pure Love.

Psalm 119 is remarkable for its length and thoroughness in exploring and honouring the “Law of the Lord.” How wonderful that in what could be seen as (just) a lengthy repetitious psalm, this concept of SWEETNESS, of sweetness exceeding the taste of honey, emerges as a reminder that this psalm isn’t just about religious duty. It describes the beauty and joy of the Creator and Redeemer who is delighted when we choose to “linger over lunch” with Him.

Sounds a worthwhile challenge. Join me in seeking sweetest grace?

Overwhelming Awe- Look, See, Pray

Ribbon Fall, Yosemite Valley, California

Overwhelming sound- the roar of the big waterfalls in Yosemite Valley is stunning. Seen from across the valley, the sheer volume of water plunging into mid-air is stupendous. Getting closer to the base of the fall is an immersive experience! Sound, sight, soaking spray- you can’t just “see” the waterfall, you are caught up into its majestic reality and power.

Conversation is drowned out. It’s hard to find appropriate words anyway. We use the word “awesome” too easily these days… I once heard someone say their burger was awesome. Really? To be overawed by minced beef and a bun is setting a very low bar.

Awe is defined as “a feeling of reverential respect mixed with fear or wonder.” (If wolfing a cheeseburger is that inspirational, you need to get out more. Or send me the address of the chef.)

In an age of technological marvels and amazing human accomplishments, we can be blasé about wonder- it’s the quality of innocent childhood that we submerge in sophisticated adult cynicism. A child is excited by the Christmas tree, their new kitten, raindrops and puddles… this big kid is excited by waterfalls, mountains, thunder- and God.

John the Apostle saw amazing visions: he describes one of them in these words: “And I heard a voice from heaven, like the sound of many waters and like the sound of loud thunder, and the voice which I heard was like the sound of harpists playing on their harps.” – Revelation 14:2 (NASB)

The Voice of God Almighty, awesome, terrifying, beautiful- and conveying absolute wonder. It’s a vision of Jesus- no longer “just” the Baby of Bethlehem, but the Risen Lord- the Eternal Word of God- speaking love, justice, majesty, hope and ultimate purpose.

I think I’m going to set myself a challenge- to reserve awe for the One who IS truly awesome. I don’t want my faith and my life to be focused on burgers when God is inviting me to a Banquet.

And if a photo I took in 2004 can inspire me to make 2024 a more God-centred, purpose-filled life of love, hope and worship- then bring on the roar of many waters!

Writing with Light- Look, See, Pray

Enshrined in bronze… meet the Press. How astonished a Press photographer from the Fifties would be if they were given a modern camera. If that new camera were digital instead of film, I don’t think they’d believe it was real.

Old but beautifully machined; accurate shutters, decent lenses, lovely leather bellows for focussing. And that flash unit! Explosive combustion of glass bulbs- one blast of light which might singe your eyebrows. Then having taken a photo on light-sensitive plates or sheets of film, off to a lab for chemical processing and hard-won wizardry to produce expensive prints or glass slides.

Modern technology and engineering has changed the process of photography beyond measure.

Yet the goal is the same: to capture the “decisive moment” of an action or object, recording it for posterity. Photography aids our memories, records moments of history or newsworthy events; it preserves beauty and can tell a powerful story of life events and relationships.

OR the photographer may cut off the head or feet of the subject, blur or shake the image, or just take mind-numbingly boring pictures that no-one else wants to see! (Taking a photo of a statue of a paparazzi taking a photo, for example…)

Photo = light, graphy = writing… Writing with light. Isn’t it a shame that photography hadn’t been invented when God started “writing with Light” at the incarnation of Jesus, the Light of the world!

To see pictures of Mary & Joseph, scruffy shepherds, assorted Wise Men, and a sulky Herod? To record forever the angels who told of the Blessed Child, and then gathered the legions of Heaven to rejoice over Bethlehem… and, of course, the baby pictures of Jesus at birth, one day old, a week, a month. If only.

If Jerusalem had newspapers and a horde of reporters… has God missed a trick? If Jesus were born today, the news would be all round the globe as soon as the broadband was switched on!

But since the media frenzy has the attention span of a gnat, the story would be dumped by Tuesday. Instead, Almighty God sent a messenger with Good News and a promise. Luke 2:37 says “For no word from God will ever fail.”

Two thousand years later, the story is still current. “In the beginning was the Word… and the Word became flesh, and dwelt among us” is how John’s Gospel begins.

No photos- but a Living Word.

Storm Drains- Look, See, Pray

Not the most attractive photo I’ve ever taken on the beach. But an important subject.

Storms and floods have been a problem round here for most of November. Some roads are still closed. Slowly, pumps and storm drains are working to improve things. (At least until Storm Fred turns up. Wonder what “G” name will be given to the storm after that? Storm Gertie?)

Looking at the water gushing out of the pipe, it seems clean- but don’t drink it. The amount of dirt and sundry chemicals would probably be quite toxic.

We need storm drains. They deal with the dirt and disasters.

It made me think: what about MY storm drains? How do I deal with the “dirt and disasters” of everyday living? I’ve been a follower of Jesus for roughly 56 years- and the 12 years before that were in a Christian family. So I’m very privileged to have known about God all my life- and known Him in a chosen relationship for over half a century. Oh boy, that makes me feel old.

Despite that privilege, I am not yet perfect. Therefore I have had to deal with the mucky end of the stick many times. There are stains and baggage from the pilgrimage.

The easiest part of dealing with that is forgiveness: God is always willing to forgive (read the parable of the Prodigal, Luke 15 v11-32) although being able to accept that forgiveness can be harder. God will forgive me- will I forgive myself? Or those who have hurt me?

Apart from being forgiven, there are ways of draining off the waste product: and also dealing with the omission of things we should have done- but haven’t done.

  1. Repentance is a word often used, not always understood. Repentance literally means to “turn round.” It’s a change of mind, of direction, and priorities. Repentance allows us to “agree with God” about our true state; it implies the intention NOT to repeat the offense, plus attempting to make restitution to others where appropriate. Repentance helps us receive the reconciliation that God offers and wants.
  2. Praying honest, realistic prayers; reading the heartrendingly honest psalms and scriptures that show we desire to live in integrity (try Psalm 51 for one example!).
  3. Discovering ways of meditating, practicing holy mindfulness, using written liturgies that have helped generations of believers.

These all act as “storm drains” – but such channels be blocked up or ignored. Periodically, we should unblock our drains- perhaps a serious fast, or a period of dedicated prayer, or maybe seeking pastoral counsel from other wiser Christians. Don’t keep looking at or obsessing over the discharge from your drain! Let it go. After all, the point is to release the toxic waste, not experiment on it.

If we claim that we’re free of sin, we’re only fooling ourselves. A claim like that is errant nonsense. On the other hand, if we admit our sins—simply come clean about them—he won’t let us down; he’ll be true to himself. He’ll forgive our sins and purge us of all wrongdoing. If we claim that we’ve never sinned, we out-and-out contradict God—make a liar out of him. A claim like that only shows off our ignorance of God.

1 John 1:9-10 The Message Translation

And we WILL be transformed- to become like Jesus. That’s worth clearing the drains for!

Justice! Look, See, Pray

Screwed to a tree, long enough ago for the bark to start covering it, this sign proudly states “Community Payback- Offenders working for the community.”

Hasn’t worked too well- some objectionable oicks have tried to vandalise the sign. At least they didn’t damage the tree any further.

“Oh if only there was some justice!

Someone to punish!

Bring back the stocks!

Let’s transport someone to Australia…” (or Rwanda?)

How quick the cry for justice. Especially when it affects “our” safe life. Someone ought to be made to pay for my stress and loss.

Now, fair do, society needs rules that can protect the innocent and punish-or-reform the offenders. At least this sign speaks of the offenders having to make good on their crime: and perhaps it helps the miscreants to reflect on choices and attitudes for the future.

But the heart of the human problem is…… the human heart.

Who or what can remake our hearts? Or teach us to take responsibility for our actions, and so learn to have compassion and respect for others?

Willpower can go so far. Self-help courses may work for some. Prison may allow us to feel safer because “they” are locked up. All these have some virtue. Yet I am more and more convinced that humans need an encounter with God if we are to “live right.”

Jesus faced a challenge when a crowd brought an adulterous woman “caught in the act” (Funny they didn’t bring the bloke as well. How’s that for a double standard.) You can read the whole story in John 8 v1-11.

Two statements by Jesus are worth reflecting on.

“Let any one of you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her.” The accusers shamefacedly walked away.

So He said: “Then neither do I condemn you. Go now and leave your life of sin.”

Being eager for “justice” or vengeance is natural- as long as we are just. But where is the mercy or grace that can bring forgiveness and a fresh beginning? I only know One person who does that freely.

Love casts out fear. Light drives away darkness. Jesus gives Life.

Feeling Sleepy- Look, See, Pray

I’d love to say this comes from the “Penguin Book of Prayers”… simply because this penguin looked just like a child saying their bedtime prayers.

My parents helped me to say my prayers- I’m not sure I was very good at it! Tonight I discovered a Jewish bedtime prayer which could be helpful, especially in seasons of uncertainty or worry.

Praised are You, Lord our God, King of the universe, who brings sleep to my eyes, slumber to my eyelids. May it be Your will, Lord my God and God of my ancestors, that I lie down in peace and that I arise in peace. Let my sleep be undisturbed by troubling thoughts, bad dreams, and wicked schemes. May I have a night of tranquil slumber. May I awaken to the light of a new day, that my eyes may behold the splendour of Your light. Praised are You, Lord whose glory gives light to the entire world.

God is a faithful King.
Hear, O Israel: the Lord our God, the Lord is One.
Praised be His glorious sovereignty throughout all time.

“Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your might. And these words which I command you this day you shall take to heart. You shall diligently teach them to your children. You shall recite them at home and away, morning and night. You shall bind them as a sign upon your hand, they shall be a symbol above your eyes, and you shall inscribe them upon the doorposts of your homes and upon your gates.” (Deuteronomy 6:4-9)

Help us, our Father, to lie down in peace; and awaken us to life again, our King. Spread over us Your shelter of peace, guide us with Your good counsel. Save us because of Your mercy. Shield us from enemies and pestilence, from starvation, sword and sorrow. Remove the evil forces that surround us, shelter us in the shadow of Your wings. You, O God, guard us and deliver us. You are a gracious and merciful King. Guard our coming and our going, grant us life and peace, now and always.


A Sweet Read- Look, See, Pray

Delicious sweetness. These tropical Owl Butterflies were being given oranges which they sipped delicately through their own built-in “straw” – the hollow tube extending from their mouths. Orange juice is rich in flavour and gets its kick from the fructose & glucose. It must be every butterfly’s dream to go out for fresh oranges!

Most of us respond to sweetness: it’s a treat which affects our hormone balance! Too much sugar is actually toxic for people. Yet it has an almost addictive quality, and modern food processing uses sugars and fats to make our food almost irresistible.

Butterflies are presumably smarter than us- I’ve never seen an obese butterfly!

Honey and sweet fruits were “luxury” items through most of history. People would usually only have sugary foods at harvest or special feasts & celebrations. Higher status and wealth gave access to sweet treats. The poor had little access to sugar. Turnip, anyone?

Do you see now why the Biblical use of “sweetness” is so important? Psalm 119:103 says “How sweet are Your words to my taste! Yes, sweeter than honey to my mouth!”

God’s Words are compared to special luxury treats. What God has said and is saying is EVEN BETTER than eating a honeycomb.

The psalm encourages the worshippers to relish the best God can give. The Lord speaks of mercy, love, forgiveness, justice and hope. When was the last time I read the Bible with an attitude of wild excitement and enjoyment?

Not every verse, sentence, letter or book is obviously “sweet” – sometimes it is medicine to the soul, a challenge to our willingness to obey and serve. Even so, a “spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down” as Julie Andrews sang so sweetly…

How different is my attitude to reading the Bible when I realise it is a TREAT not a TASK?

Gloriously, it’s a treat for ALL who will read and obey. Not just the rich, the powerful, the top 1%. The invitation is simple: come and read- and rejoice in God’s gift to anyone who will receive it.

Perhaps we should eat oranges as we read the Bible; or as we hear the preacher on Sunday. Would we take it in better if our tastebuds are tickled?

One of the nicest things about these butterflies is the gorgeous colours they display after they’ve sucked in the sugar. Christians should also display to their best advantage after taking in the Living Word of the Living God- energised, but not bloated. If we stuff ourselves full of God’s honey BUT DON’T PUT IT INTO PRACTICE we become knowledgable fools… flitting and floating, and no use to anyone.

Note to self: it’s a TREAT, not a TASK. Now, where did I put my Bible?