Laugh, or You’d Cry- Look, See, Pray

There’s always a clown. Drama needs clowns- and the circus requires clowns of all shapes. Including the sad faced ones.

The drama of Good Friday is about to begin. In a darkened Garden, a man and a few friends face their midnight of the soul. Which is the clown?

Is it Judas, who sold a friend as a job lot? S.W.A.L.K. = Sold With A Lousy Kiss.

Or James and John, who can’t keep their eyes open to pray.

Peter‘s up for the role- too sleepy, then too violent, then too chicken as the rooster crowed.

Caiaphas and Annas– a pair who can’t even fix their crooked trial efficiently!

Herod gets a mention, quickly passed over, more midget than clown.

Pilate, the man with a wiser wife and a cynical streak- “What IS Truth, anyway?” Not funny.

Jesus? His tears will spoil the face paint, and the sound of a heart breaking is no smiling matter. Who casts the hero as a clown? The most prominent colour is blood-red and overpowering… Oh…

It’s a rough night for clowns, but a Good Friday for the human race. It would make a grown man cry if he wasn’t laughing so loud. Clowns can say and do things that aren’t the done thing. Tragedy, comedy, pathos, and searing honesty: but it’s “safe” ‘cos its “only the clowns” and you laugh when they fall down. But there’s not much laughing tonight- and none in heaven.

Script writers and Ringmasters love their clowns! They legitimise “silly” violence, make tragedy funny, and hold the focus of the crowd. “I know, let’s make Jesus “King for a Day” with a big parade; and a spot of scandal when he upsets the money men; a man whose Love becomes so dangerous we can kill him off.”

Little did they know… the real plan, the Deeper Mystery, had been formed in the Beginning of Beginnings by the Beginner of Everything. And all the lesser clowns perform as the “warm up act” for the Death of Death and the Saviour’s Resurrection. Who is laughing now? Mock the clown at your peril!

There will be shining robes in place of motley and harlequin: an Ageless Face with scars and wounds who leads the procession of the Kingdom Eternal- and a broken heart bringing wholeness to all who will let Him. The Lamb who is a Lion; the One who drains the Cup of Sorrows to start the biggest party this universe will ever see.

There will be tears today- and joy and laughter for ever after. God sent in The Clown. This One wears a Crown.

© Richard Starling, 2024.

Living Joy- Look, See, Pray

Grey, dull miserable… that’s just the BBC. Outside: add drizzling, damp, cool, windy weather. What a start to Wednesday.

Then the display of orchids on my windowsill changed the way I perceived the day. A white one with yellow and pink; yellow and purple with two sprays of blooms; and the purple and white-spotted one. Immediately, my mind shifted gear: and I wrote a few lines trying to capture in words what I was feeling. The shape and colour fascinated and inspired heart and soul: such exotic beauty lifted my spirits and restored joy to life. So, go find a flower!

The WAY we see is as important as WHAT we see. Our perception of life is determined by our focus and choices.

“Joy does not simply happen to us. We have to choose joy and keep choosing it every day.” Henri Nouwen

So my view of today has been shaped by the vivid creative imagination of God, who thought about orchids- and I’m deeply grateful for living joy!

Fair beyond telling, 
shaped within dreams, 
imagination takes form: 
richly laid colour, 
subtle echoes of an angel’s wing-beats, 
the exotic orchid  
painted in living joy.             © Richard Starling 2022

Even better than any poem, and even more wonderful than an orchid, as we get closer to Good Friday & Easter Sunday we can focus on Jesus. The story of his final journey is full of rich teaching and memorable moments and records his determination to fulfil his mission, whatever the personal cost. Reading this story will change the way we see life- because Jesus changed the ending. How then shall we live?

“Looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God.”   

Hebrews 12v2

Lent: free download “Meditations”

Download from here:  lent meditations 2020

Designed for use on the Fridays in Lent, this collection of photographs and reflections guides a way through the journey towards Good Friday and Easter Sunday.

The meditations are accessible from the top menu of the Home page, or you can download the pdf file (free) to your device or to print out.

Like a rose Lent 2018

May the Lord guide and bless you in this time of spiritual renewal.



“My Diary” by Thomas the Twin

Really, what could go wrong? Off to Jerusalem in the morning, going up to the city for the festival. Jesus is going to ride a donkey. I expect some will mock the “Teacher from Galilee” but that’s nothing new.

Jesus insisted, he said it was important to go this way.

If you ask me, we should have gone home instead. There’s trouble brewing, you mark my words. Perhaps if we can keep Jesus out of the crowds all the fuss will die down.

Somehow I don’t think that’s the plan. Jesus had a glint in his eye, and he’ll probably preach, so that will upset Caiaphas and the Temple crew. I don’t think Jesus minds stirring people up a bit. He tells some pretty pointed stories – and some folks even started saying “Messiah?” when they heard him.

It will be alright as long as the “Blessed is the King” song doesn’t catch on. That would really be the end.

I wish I hadn’t said that thing about going and dying with him…

Extract from the diary of Thomas, a friend of Jesus and a man of great faith… some of the time…


(Words & photo Copyright 2019 by Richard Starling)