Reflection of Light – Look, See, Pray

Not every experience, photograph or person has to be outstandingly dynamic. Ordinary is good.

We have become addicted to the buzz of adrenaline. Bigger, better, faster, louder, brighter- and usually more expensive to us as “buyer” and to the ordinary person doing the producing. This is not, in my opinion, a “good thing.” We become greedy, and then dissatisfied when our latest “fix” doesn’t meet our expectations.

So today’s photo is distinctly ORDINARY. Reeds, grasses, water, colour, and a reflection. Not even a duck or dragonfly. It just IS. And that, my friends, is just fine.

Bellamy or Attenborough might get excited about the botany or biology. It’s a habitat but we don’t know for whom. Perhaps Ratty and Mole will pass by, messing about on the river…

Why have I bothered to post it? It won’t excite many people, naturalists apart.

Two theological reasons. First, the Creation narratives in the Bible record one amazing truth. God saw “That it was GOOD.” Everything that existed through the act of creation has divine approval. (We’ve made a mess of much of it, but that’s a story for a different day with different questions!)

Second, the actual reflection. What is it? Light. What we see as a reflection is the light coming back from our subject. Our Sun has flooded the atmosphere with light; it bounces off the grass, reeds and water. Our eyes receive that light and our brain interprets what we “see” in terms of what is there, that which is revealed by the light.

That’s the point, really. The photo is pleasant, colourful, and shapely in an ordinary sort of way. Ordinary things (and people) are GOOD… and defined by the Light they reflect.

My life actually gains its meaning not from my ego or experiences, but the quality and quantity of Light that I reflect. My ordinary daily “being” is defined by how clearly and accurately I reflect the Light of the World: which is of course one of the descriptions of Jesus Christ. I think I should pray next.

Hey, God, just a few words, if I may.

I know I’m pretty ordinary. I shall never be a Dad or grandad, but I love all my family. I’ll never play football for England, I’m not going to be the best preacher in the world, nor the best photographer. I can make the effort to be the best “me” possible- if You give me some help! – and I can stay as clean as possible, inside and out. Then I will reflect Your Light. It won’t make me famous, or rich, or really successful, ‘cos I’m ordinary, and I’m not sure I’d do well with too much fame or celebrity status. So please give me a Hand to be kind, decent, holy and a help to others: and let Your Light shine on me so I can reflect Your love accurately and well. Thank You for giving me a lovely wife to share my days, for allowing me to serve a bit in churches and the community, and giving me the wit and willingness to know that ordinary is good. Not just “good enough” but actually GOOD, the way You intended me to be.
I’m sorry I haven’t always managed to be “me” very well- and the regrets and repentances of my life are best left to Your grace-filled mercy. When those mistakes and sins have hurt other people, Lord, please comfort and heal them: and I trust Your promise about forgiving and being forgiven, so I also want to say that I forgive the people who have been less than kind or helpful to me.
All in all, Lord Jesus, please let me reflect Light all my days- and to enjoy You and Your gifts, always. Then I reckon You will look at the reflection I am, and say that’s good too. You will even see Your own Face reflected in me- and that’s the highest honour I could ever, ever have. Amen.

If any of that reflects who you are, or how you feel, reflect on that for a bit… and may God shine the Light of His smiling face on you too. God specialises in making the ordinary “good” and, in His eyes, special.

19 thoughts on “Reflection of Light – Look, See, Pray

  1. Reblogged this on Mitch Teemley and commented:
    My Featured Blogger this week is Richard the Baptist, a retired Sussex, England-based minister. By his own description, writer-photographer Richard loves “exploring prayer and spirituality.” He’s a cancer-survivor and fibromyalgia-sufferer who actively supports others with this illness. “Life has changed,” he says, “but hope burns eternal,” and “faith has a deep relevance in good times and tough ones.”

    That faith and perspective are richly on display in this post about finding the good in ordinary things and people. You’ll find good things here, I promise.

    Liked by 4 people

  2. Wow, wow, wow. Thanks so much Mitch for posting this. I loved the theology and the prayer — both of which I think about more and more and was just thinking about this morning in devotions before reading your blog. Yes — it is good (and we’ve messed it up). Let there be light — the energy source we call God is a powerful light. Forgive me daily for not “being the best me” and let me be more a reflection of our Good, Good God and “the Light of the World”. Amen, amen. Thank you to both you Mitch and richardthebaptist.

    Liked by 3 people

  3. As I see people wearing themselves out trying to change the whole world, they forget that we can change the world in “ordinary” ways, one day, one life at a time. There’s a song I have thought about a lot lately. This post got it playing in my head again. 😉 I hope you can listen to it from this link. Blessings!*ZAW4gpntk9i8jS*ORuouFpd921wMeemUjgCF67KXrGztKG%2521kbXgt2grWZz8FdX*JV5IQkbVbkZ0St1XEVK%26plvar%3d0%26PC%3dLCTS

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Loved this. Thank you particularly for the reminder that “My life actually gains its meaning not from my ego or experiences, but the quality and quantity of Light that I reflect.”

    Liked by 2 people

  5. Thanks so much, RichardtheBaptist! Appreciate Mitch posting this. It ministered to me. I LOVE the photo and resonate with your meditation. ‘Ordinary’ days are filled with God’s immanence, beauty and love. His goodness infuses all stages of life, and as we walk obediently with Him in grace, we are irradiated with His joy-filled presence. Like the moon (or sunflowers), we reflect what we keep our faces toward. His glory shines!

    Liked by 2 people

  6. Appreciate the encouragement! It was kind of Mitch to “guest” my blog, and I have been blessed by the feedback. Jesus is the Light of the World- may we reflect Him to others. Blessings to you. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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